

Nijerya' da yaşayan Yorubalar arasında yaygın bir dinsel hareket...

National Association of Aladura Churches,The Church of the Lord (Aladura),

Dear reader,
Dear browser, Peace, grace and mercy of God Almighty ever be with you and all that is yours in Jesus name, Amen.
Beloved, God has called us into communion in Christ Jesus. This calling and gift of communion grants us responsibilities for our common heritage and life before God to do His good will and live a life that is pleasing unto Him.

By the grace of God we have been given the Communion of the Church of the Lord [Aladura] Worldwide (CLAW), United Aladura Churches (UAC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC) through which we can respond to God's calling in Christ Jesus (Acts 2:42). The beauty, miracle and challenge of maintaining our communion in Christ Jesus, especially in the communion of ALADURA churches, and the need for mutual commitment, dedication and discipline as a witness to the promises of God (Jeremiah 29:11), in a world of confusion, conflict, instability, corruption and fragmentation, we are united in Christ as ALADURA churches to remain faithful to the promises of God.

Yours In His Service,
The Most Rev. Dr. Rufus Okikiola Ositelu
(Ph.D. Comp. Sci; Ph.D. Religion)
The Primate of the Church of the Lord (Aladura) Worldwide
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